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Main tags are the same always for every page

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Hi guys,

I have a problem with the tags module. In the tags box no matter on what page I navigate (index, category, search) they are always showing up the same main tags with level 3 class. I've look a little to the SQL and I think this is mainly because of the id_group of the category who is always = 1 in the ps_category_group table but I can't figure it out how to modify this and why I don't receive tags based on the page I navigate as I didn;t modify anything related to tags.

Everytime is the same SQL:
SELECT t.name, COUNT(pt.id_tag) AS times FROM `ps_product_tag` pt LEFT JOIN `ps_tag` t ON (t.id_tag = pt.id_tag) LEFT JOIN `ps_product` p ON (p.id_product = pt.id_product) WHERE t.`id_lang` = 4 AND p.`active` = 1 AND p.`id_product` IN ( SELECT cp.`id_product` FROM `ps_category_group` cg LEFT JOIN `ps_category_product` cp ON (cp.`id_category` = cg.`id_category`) WHERE cg.`id_group` = 1 ) GROUP BY t.id_tag ORDER BY times DESC LIMIT 0, 10

Can you guys take a look and see if you have the same behavior (SQL) when you navigate through categories?


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