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Update price CSV from reference, no ID?

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Hi, I had a request to update the prices through the administration (Tools-> Import).

If I have an example of the type of vendor price list:

Reference #;    name;    description;    categories;    price
15-HJ-A;        name1;    des1;          cat1;          100
12-HA-B;        name2;    des2;          cat2;          200
11-HC-D;        name3;    des3;          cat3;          300

How can I update prices in the database through Reference #?

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  • 6 months later...

I did like this
In classes\product.php :

   public static function refInDatabase($ref)
       $sql = 'SELECT id_product FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product WHERE reference = \''.$ref.'\'';
       $tab = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql);
       return $tab;

In AdminImport.php I added before
if ($product->id AND Product::existsInDatabase((int)($product->id)))
this :

if ($product->reference AND Product::refInDatabase($product->reference))
                   $product->id = Product::refInDatabase($product->reference); 

my problem is that it removes any fields that are not present in the cvs

someone has an idea ?

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  • 1 month later...

Simple use this script as a php file run it on your server, jut add your.csv file to the same folder what contains next:


1st column reference

2nd column price

3rd column wholesale price

4th column quantity!



you can use it as a cron if you want to update your database often!


of course modifies your.... details



mysql_connect("your_hosthost", "your_username", "your_pass") or die(mysql_error()); 
mysql_select_db("your_database") or die(mysql_error()); 

$row = 0; 

$update_table = "ps_product"; 

$handle = fopen("your.csv", "r"); 

while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 100000, ";")) !== FALSE) { 
   $num = count($data); 
   echo "<p> $num fields to update in line $row: <br /></p>\n"; 
   for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) { 
       if ($c = 1) { 
       $reference = $data[($c - 1)]; 
       echo $reference . " reference Assigned <br />\n"; 
       if ($c = 2) { 
       $price = $data[($c - 1)]; 
       mysql_query("UPDATE $update_table SET price='$price' WHERE reference='$reference'")  
       or die(mysql_error());   
       echo $price . " Imported to <b>$row</b> in product <b>$reference</b><br />\n"; 
	 if ($c = 3) { 
       $wholesale_price = $data[($c - 1)]; 
       mysql_query("UPDATE $update_table SET wholesale_price='$wholesale_price' WHERE reference='$reference'")  
       or die(mysql_error());   
       echo $wholesale_price . " Imported to <b>$row</b> in product <b>$reference</b><br />\n"; 
       if ($c = 4) { 
       $quantity = $data[($c - 1)]; 
       mysql_query("UPDATE $update_table SET quantity='$quantity' WHERE reference='$reference'")  
       or die(mysql_error());  
       echo $product_quantity . " Imported to <b>$row</b> in product <b>$reference</b> <br />\n"; 


echo "<h1>Ready.</h1>"; 

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