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Adding Standard Text Pages

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Hi Guys,

I'm brand new to PrestaShop. I have seen sites that use prestashop that use just standard pages. How is this done? Does something need to be built onto the CMS?

I Have a site structure like so for a client

- All Products
- Eggs
- Steak House
- Fish
- Candles

Other than the products page how do I make the others just standard text page? Any help would be cool, thanks.

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  • 1 month later...
Most people use tools>cms to create static pages.

Alternatively you could create the php file and the corresponding tpl file, but that is more complex.

Thanks I was looking for this also.

I just tried it with the CMS tool, unfortunately I cant change the order in which the pages are displayed.
So that would mean that I have to delete all pages and start with the first that I want, etc.
But If you would want to make another one later, then it would be at the end again, or delete all and do everything all over again.

There must be a better way, or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Don Camillo
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  • 3 weeks later...

I just found out that in PS 1.4 you can arrange the order of display by arrows, and in 1.3 you have to delete the files if you want something in between. Therefore it can be wise to build spaces in between.

So in Tools, CMS;

1-5 is already used

make 6 free by create new, and type a 6 in all the meta lines and seo line (you can change this later)
make 7 free by create new, and type a 7 in all the meta lines and seo line (you can change this later)
make 8 free by create new, and type a 8 in all the meta lines and seo line (you can change this later)

now you could use the 9th as you would like to use it.

make 10 free by create new, and type a 10 in all the meta lines and seo line (you can change this later)
make 11 free by create new, and type a 11 in all the meta lines and seo line (you can change this later)
make 12 free by create new, and type a 12 in all the meta lines and seo line (you can change this later)

now use the 13th line as the way you want.

and so on....

so now you have some more free spaces that you can use later to fill it in with your desired info.

This way you dont have to delete everything when you in the future want to add a new one in between the ones you have.

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