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Charset making life hard


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Im have huge issue's with charset's, when i add metadescriptions myself from BO the charset shows up correctly at google, but when google uses the description from the productpage the charset gets messed up at google like shown at the image. The site is danish and uses the speciel chars øæå.

But how can i fix this issue, it allso apears when i look at the catched version of our site at google, but not allover the site. The category names show correctly, but category description dont.

I would like help to fix this issue.

im using 1.2.5 and not the standard theme.



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Now i found out that i can change parts of this byt changing theme out like this: {$category->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

But this escapes all html, and thereby outputs it to the user. Can i uft-8 encode the output without escaping the html? I tryed som combinations, but they doesnt seem to work.

I tryed to google this, but it doesnt seem like there is any easyway to find an answer, so now i ask here perhaps rocky or someother smarty clever guy can come up with an answer :)

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