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Import email addresses into Newsletter Block

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Is it possible to import a list of email addresses into the newsletter block?

I have a list of email addresses that I would like to be included in all future .csv exports - so therefor I am wondering If I can import these addresses and then the newsletter block would manage these as it does all email addresses that sign up through the site normally.

Thanks in advance.

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The only way is to convert the Excel file into an SQL query like the following:

INSERT INTO `ps_newsletter` (`email`, `ip_registration_newsletter`) VALUES
('[email protected]', ''),
('[email protected]', '')

PrestaShop requires an IP address for each email address. Hopefully, it will work if you use You could try adding a column to your Excel file for the IP address, enter for the first row, then drag it down to copy it to all the email addresses, then export the file as a CSV file, then open it in a text editor, add the first line above, then search and replace to add the parentheses to make it match the SQL format.

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To import under prestrashop 1.5.2 syntax


INSERT INTO `prefpres_newsletter` (`id`, `id_shop`, `id_shop_group`, `email`, `newsletter_date_add`, `ip_registration_newsletter`, `HTTP_REFERER`, `active`) VALUES

(1, 1, 1, '[email protected]', '2012-11-27 7:21:34 p.m. ', '', NULL, 1),

(2, 1, 1, '[email protected]', '2012-12-05 12:00:00 ', '', NULL, 1);

Edited by lennynero (see edit history)
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