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[SOLVED] the objects in global.css

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Hello there!
While I tried to modify the main theme of PS and annoying thing occurred.
On the product page, as it it's shown on the picture the two squares, the one with the descriptions and the other with the price and add to cart button escaped under the product image.
That effect appeared on some of the browsers only (Firefox, IE).
I tried to find the object properties in the global.css, but couldn't.
There is padding or margin somewhere that is causing that objects to move under.
Can somebody help?
Thank you in advance!


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Find below code in your global.css:

#primary_block #pb-right-column {

#primary_block #pb-left-column {

Problem can be your width value in "#primary_block #pb-left-column", try to decrease it or decrease value of margin-left. If problem solved, send your url, I will look it what problem can be.

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  • 8 months later...

I dont no what happenend but the button and text moved to the bottom

of the picture. I would like this to have on the right of the picture.


Can anyone please help me?

I tried css but doenst seem to work..


gr stef


Which CSS did you try. Usually this problem would be associated with product_list.css. You may want to try adjusting your settings under "UL#product_list LI DIV.center_block" in product_list.css.


Here is my setting:


UL#product_list LI DIV.center_block {

float: left;

left: 0;

position: relative;

top: 0;



Don't know if this will solve your problem, but it might help.

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