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Got SSl but some parts not secure


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Errors are

To fix them open footer.tpl in your theme folder and replace







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Similar errors (this I get from Google Chrome)

so try in that module folder to open tpl files and change calls to thickbox.css and js file .



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I successfully fixed the 3.03 SSL errors on my site by doing the following:

1) Go to modules\creditcard\tpl then
2) Edit payment_execution.tpl
3) Anyplace you see {$base_dir} change to {$content_dir} (I think it is only on lines 7, 19, 22, and 56)

That fixed my problem.

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Above someone says that you shoud change $base_dir with $content_dir. But then some one else says the opposite. Which one is the correct? Should we do a search in our code and change all of them to secure our site? And with wich one?


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He had custom theme with wrong link for logo so just in this particular case I said to change $content_dir to $base_dir.

I also said to change {$base_dir} to {$content_dir} for some modules that gave insecure content error.
And you can see those errors in Google Chrome.

So part where he says "Anyplace you see {$base_dir} change to {$content_dir} " is not correct.
You need to make this change for src attribute for js, css and images, and not for links (href attribute).

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Hello everybody i am in need of desperate help
my SSl has been installed but i am getting a message that some of my pages will send information unsecured how can this be.
Kind regards

i had same problem as you have finally my technical host support told me the problem and when i fixed everything working well below they answer


On that page, https://www.vgamecard.com/26-itunes-10-gift-card-us-online-delivery.html , you have links to Facebook and Twitter which are not secure:


http://twitter.com/home?status=iTunes Gift Card...-http://www.vgamecard.com/26-itunes-10-gift-card-us-online-delivery.html

You will need to correct those Facebook and Twitter links to be going to https://www.facebook.com and https://www.twitter.com or remove them all together. I'm not certain what you mean by "sitemap.xml should be Https or Http ?" Anything that you would like to be secure needs to have a link starting with https:// instead of http:// or it will show as partially encrypted/partially secure on that page of your site.

Thank you,

i hope it will help you
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