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Context Error on Cancelling 3D-Secure Payment Page

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Hello everyone,


I am using PrestaShop and I am also using a free virtual POS module - called iyzico - on it. After installing the module there were some other errors too but fixing the others I've got this far and I am stuck with this error.

When I get this error is that when I want to check out using a credit card. I type in my card info and then proceed to check out with 3D-Secure option. Then I get redirected to the page where I am asked the SMS code that is sent to my mobile phone. In that page, if I refuse to pay and click cancel or type in a wrong SMS code then I get this error.

This is the line 187 in the specified file in the image.

 <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['locale']->value=="tr") {?>

I couldn't really understand what the problem might be.


Could you please take a look for me and tell me if you have any solution?


I am also attaching the module if anyone wants to take a look at it.


Thanks! ^^


Edit : Actually, I get this error after I refuse to pay on 3D-Secure payment page and click cancel or type in wrong SMS code. See attachments for 3D-Secure SMS confirmation page.


Screenshot from 2018-04-30 14-39-13.png

Screenshot from 2018-04-30 17-21-55.png

Edited by Burak KAYMAKCI (see edit history)
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