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From one table to another


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Just need what for some of you should be easy.
Trying a mod on prestashop and just need the following to work.
It works fine if there is just one row of data (one product). If there are more than one the first row works fine but the second and susequent rows fail.

$sql = "SELECT * FROM ps_cart_product Where id_cart = '$cartid'"; 
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  $product_instructions = $row ['instructions'];
  $product_request = $row ['request'];

$db = Db::getInstance();
mysql_query("UPDATE `store`.`ps_order_detail` 
SET `product_instructions` = '$product_instructions',`product_request` = '$product_request' 
WHERE `ps_order_detail`.`id_order` = '$id_order' 
AND `ps_order_detail`.`product_name` like '%$product_instructions%'");

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It seems you have the curly braces in the wrong place, causing the $product_instructions and $product_request to be overwritten with each subsequent loop. Try:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM ps_cart_product Where id_cart = '$cartid'"; 
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  $product_instructions = $row ['instructions'];
  $product_request = $row ['request'];

  $db = Db::getInstance();
mysql_query("UPDATE `store`.`ps_order_detail` 
SET `product_instructions` = '$product_instructions',`product_request` = '$product_request' 
WHERE `ps_order_detail`.`id_order` = '$id_order' 
AND `ps_order_detail`.`product_name` like '%$product_instructions%'");

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