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Magento & ZenCart convert is very impressed

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I just discovered Prestashop after a year of tinkering with both ZenCart and Magento. Zencart is a great application, but it has more or less stalled before a major overhaul and I lost faith that they were on track to making progress. Magento is a giant hoax. It is designed to create work for web programmers, in the sense that nothing works as described. I don't want to spend time here griping about other applications, other to say that I am very, very impressed by what I have seen so far with Prestashop.

I have hopes of installing a store on multiple domains, and having a common cart across all shops (which also means a compatible catalogs across multiple domains). This feature was the big draw for me in order to use Magento. I know Presta devs are working on this feature, and since it is VERY complicated to implement, I am not going to pile on the designated multistore thread and ask when it's going to be ready (when is it going to be ready?? :-))).

Anyway, congrats to Prestashop - very well done! I'm excited to be a part of the community. I am not a programmer or a designer, but I've been tinkering enough to where I think I might be able to help out those with even less experience than I have.


(Brooklyn, NYC)

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