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Newbie needs some help

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Ok, I am pretty new to this whole presta shop experience. I am trying to put sunglasses online and sell them. So here's the problem I'm running into. Say I have one style of sunglasses, but several different colors - with different information about the lenses and such. Now I know I can add all those pics onto the same page, but as far as I can tell there's no way to differentiate between the numbers. For example my cover picture happens to be have a black frame with gray lenses, and I stated that in the short description. But if I put pictures of other colors on there, the short description is no longer valid with all of them. So, is there a way to have all the different colors of the glasses on one product page and also be able to display different information depending on which color is being viewed by the consumer? I hope all that makes sense lol. Please help.

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