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[SOLVED] Blank page in Orders tab in Back Office

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I have serious problem with Prestashop back office. On my live site not working Orders tab. When I press Orders button, all I see is blank page.
In config.inc.php I enable debugging

ini_set('display_errors', 'on');

but no errors show up

Please, advise me what can I do.

Is it problem with database or PHP code? How can I trace what type of problem it is because blank page speak not so much? :)

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You're just out of memory. If you have access to your php.ini just increase this value:

memory_limit = 16M;


memory_limit = 32M;

for example...

Blank pages are usually caused by error, like the above "fatal error", when the displaying of the errors is turned off.

Thank you mate, but I enable ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); and still got blank page. It really sucks when no errors showing up :)
/* Debug only */
@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);

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It often means that there is a php error in the file.

Try replacing any modified files with the originals (from the PS installation) until you find the problematic file.

Thanks mate, but it's looks like a blind searching :) Maybe there is way somehow to get error message. If I remember correct, I didn't make any changes in php, which will be related with orders.
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I tried to check my error logs, but no success.. There is no any words which will be related with Orders.
Brrr, seems to be what I should delete my entire shop and make whole install and config process again :)

Is it possible, what it is database problem? I had problem with PayPal install, now I reinstall module again and it works fine.
Also, I delete customers which made some orders, maybe it can be related or it's definitely PHP error problem?

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One more thing. Tabs under Orders working fine:
* Invoices
* Delivery slips
* Merchandise return
* Credit slips
* Customer messages
* Statuses
* Order Messages
If I manually put AdminInvoices instead of AdminOrders in that URL:


Then I can normally browse in * Invoices* Delivery slips* Merchandise return* Credit slips* Customer messages* Statuses* Order Messages fields, but main tab AdminOrders still blank

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After some research I found out what it is probably database related problem. How can I find what type error it is?

Playing around ~12h, but still can't understand where and what type errors is :) I think better try fortunes from coffee grounds :D

If anyone know, how get errors message show up from blank page, please advise me

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After some research I found out what it is probably database related problem. How can I find what type error it is?

Playing around ~12h, but still can't understand where and what type errors is :) I think better try fortunes from coffee grounds :D

If anyone know, how get errors message show up from blank page, please advise me

I also think so.
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After some research I found out what it is probably database related problem. How can I find what type error it is?

Playing around ~12h, but still can't understand where and what type errors is :) I think better try fortunes from coffee grounds :D

If anyone know, how get errors message show up from blank page, please advise me

I also think so.

So, the coffee grounds said for me all truth. After manual re-import all database tables, my back office start working. Tables related with orders, I keep from new database install. So I just loose information about 2 orders. But finally Orders tab start working.

But in the future, maybe someone can advice how it is possible to get error message. This time I was lucky and found out there problem, but next time maybe not such successful :)
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  • 3 months later...

I'm facing the same problem, my orders page is blank and I have no error message.

I upgraded to Version 1.3.6, then did a complete re-install, no change. So I have also reluctantly come to the same conclusion, it must be a database problem. (which puts me in a mild panic because I know very little on the subject)

I have no backup of my database prior to the problem occurring (Oh the shame!).
However the site being new I only risk losing 3 orders details. (phew!)

The only thing I can think of doing is emptying all 'ps_orders' tables or importing new empty ones. (leaving the rest of untouched).

This is where I'm having a little wobble...! Am I about to do something stupid??

Any suggestions? :)

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A little update for anyone interested...

My orders page is back. (Didn't loose any of my data thankfully)

The problem was down to these tables:

For some reason, there were thousands of entries that shouldn't have been there (same entry repeated).
Deleted them, problem solved.

PS: Would love to know how this happened if anyone knows.

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