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php mail function is not delivering the e-mail from contact form.

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I'll make a little addendum to my first post.

Since we have two different installations of prestashop on different servers (one active and one under construction) I decided to check this function on the second one I am building. Although the test e-mail function worked during installation it does not work now when someone sends a mail from the contact form. So we have two different installations on two different servers with which I have attempted to send contact mails to several different mail servers with no results.

This mystifies me because I don't see any other posts about this problem from other people.

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I've been working on something similar today. Can you maybe try something?

In /classes/Mail.php (around line 64) you should find:


Try commenting this line out:


That will use the default timeout of 15 seconds, and it may be enough to get this to come to life.


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We just had something strange happen before I had a chance to try the // rem thing. I set up the nazwa.pl server with three forwarding e-mails. Two to my polish partner and one to me here in Montreal. She decided to try it again and she was notified on one of them but my e-mail was not, even though I tested the forwarding with an e-mail from here to make sure they were all working.
I have since tried the // rem thing and I see no notification mail here, I'm waiting to see if my partner gets anything. she will try again too.

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I am a new user with Prestashop and I also have problems with email settings.

My web host provider is GoDaddy.com and I have tried both PHP and SMTP settings.

When I first downloaded Prestashop, the contact form from the front office delivered mail successfully.

After adding my inventory and setting up the shipping costs, the contact form from the front office no longer delivers mail successfully.

Also, my first test orders do not deliver any mail messages. No order confirmation, no order receipt, and no order updates from the Back Office 'statuses' tab.

Only the Paypal messages are delivered to the merchant and customer.

My Email Alerts Module is installed with both alerts for emails and inventory checked.

I have attached screen prints of some of the options I have tried for the Back Office>> Preferences>> Emails screen.

When I set the mail preferences to PHP, I get no error message from the contact form, but no email is delivered.

When I set the mail preferences to SMTP, I always get an error message and no mail is delivered.

Thank you for any help you can offer! :-)

Have a good day!


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