Edit: sorry for the up but it's the first result on google
prestashop 1.7.3+
I think it's a clean example (adapt to your need, here it' is for manufacturer in products admin list)
After install https://www.prestashop.com/forums/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=226225, modify AdminFilter.php in /admin/autoupgrade (make a search on this folder) and open AdminFilter.php
After the line
'filter_column_name_category' => '',
add the line
'filter_column_manufacturer' => '',
And after the line
'filter_column_name_category' => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING,
Add the line
'filter_column_manufacturer' => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING,
Clean your cache in /var/.../dev + prod (delete dev & prod folders)
Reload the page Catalog > products
Joyeux noël