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lots of newbie questions

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i'm considering changing to zen cart shopping cart but first wanted to confirm what was and wasnt possible and had a few questions

1)is there complete design control of the front end all parts the customer will see, design is important to me and being able to produce something distinct is a must just changing the colours and subtle layout changes wont be enough, my present site has a lot of css, flash and javascript which gives it a very unique look i would like to keep

2)will it still work with an htaccess mod re-write so i can keep the URLs i already have (i'm quite well ranked in google)

3)do you have complete control of the sales funnel, ie i choose what procedures my customers do or dont have to go through, if they have to open an account or not etc

4)is it possible to download my sales and customer information straight into quickbooks and my access customer database

5)is it php based, can i learn more about how it works from easily available text books or as a newbie will i be completely reliant on the support network to help me through the learning curve

thank you for your time, its much appreciated, changing shopping carts is such a big upheaval i want to make sure i'm doing the right thing
kind regards

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The first thing you should do is installing Prestashop in a test environment and play around with it focusing on your specific needs. Having only worked with it for a short time I would say:
1) yes, you can control most if not all aspects
2) yes
3) not completely, I miss something like buying without having to create an account
4) don't know that
5) it is php based and so, as with all languages, good books can help you learn to some extent and I am sure there are enough knowledgeable people around here to give a hand when needed

Hope this answers something :-)

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