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breadcrumb and deep-links


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I have a site with many of deep-level unercategories (upto level 7). This is necessary because I have 13.000 products in DB. Now I optimized this and Level is max. of 3-4 and than after this level products accessable through Filteroption

My questions are:

a) which breadcrumb FOR products! would be better for SEO:

home > category >undercategory > undercategory > product OR
home > category > undercategory > product OR
home > undercategory > product OR
home > product

B) I have set the rel canonical on product and URL-link is formed: domain/shop/ID-productname.html, so without any category. Meta-Title are forming like this: Productname - undercategory - undercategory - Shop-name

Category breadcrumb is forming like this: home > category > undercategory > undercategory and here than productfilter.

Filtersearch forms URL-Links like this: domain/shop/ID-under(undercategory)'filter=[feature:xy],[feature:ab], and so on...

Should I change something in category breadcrumb for better SEO ? Is it possible that filtersearch creates DC ?

Mainly the product must be on first place, this why I set rel canonical without categories. But category level 1, than category level 2 and so on are also important, because they content important keywords user do searche in SERPS.

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