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Quick Poll: IRC Channel for PrestaShop?

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I think it would be interesting to have an IRC channel too. I'll ask Bruno and Peter, our director of communication, what can be done and when.  ;)

Sorry for your unanswered questions, all the prestashop team is really busy at the moment and there is so many post each day on this forum that we couldn't reply to everyone.

If you still have questions you can contact me by either msn or private messages.

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We're thinking about your suggestion, I think we'll register soon or later a channel on an international IRC server to provide to the community members a way to help each other, but we don't want to spend too much time by replying and moderating the channel. The other problem is the language.


We are considering it seriously. We will keep you updated.

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Major web applications use freenode because it requires almost no setup or maintainence on their part because of the channel and nick services.  EFNet is the oldest irc network and contains users who have a purpose and who know what they are doing -- Freenode is totally polluted with unexperienced users who needlessly spam and troll channels.  So, yeah, some applications use freenode -- real ones use a network like EFNet (and REALLY good ones have relay bots on ALL the major networks, rendering network choice unimportant.)

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Major web applications use freenode because it requires almost no setup or maintainence on their part because of the channel and nick services.  EFNet is the oldest irc network and contains users who have a purpose and who know what they are doing -- Freenode is totally polluted with unexperienced users who needlessly spam and troll channels.  So, yeah, some applications use freenode -- real ones use a network like EFNet (and REALLY good ones have relay bots on ALL the major networks, rendering network choice unimportant.)


I actually find it quite contrary.  I find EFnet full of spam and users who like to troll.  In my experience of running my own IRCd and Services coupled with experiences on other networks I wouldn't touch EFnet with a 10 foot e-poll, so count me out if the channel is going to be on EFnet. EFNet is also prone to attack, netsplits and some pretty abusive OPers.


I'm a regular on 10-15 channels on freenode and I don't think there really isn't another decent choice for development channels on a network dedicated to open source projects and user support. We don't have any issues with bad OPers or long netsplits, and attacks are very seldom noticeable.


When thinking about an IRC network, you don't want it to be hard to register a nickname or communicate, that will only cause users of PretaShop more frustration/confusion and we all know not all PrestaShop users are savvy when it comes to the internet, let alone IRC or IRC clients.


I would think it would be in our best interest to use freenode and have a Java IRC client (see pjIRC) if it would help.


Just my $0.02 though.

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But that's the problem. Someone clicks "Join Chatroom" and are thrust into Freenode, then get a message "Your nickname is registered blahblah." whereas, on efnet they would either get nothing at all, or a "This nickname is in use."

Either way, it doesnt matter. What I was proposing was a couple of relay bots, so someone could join #prestashop on Freenode, EFNet, or any other major network and talk with all the users. That way, people don't have to have a seperate window if they have conversations on EFNet and want to talk in #prestashop. Just a thought.

PS: I have NEVER had ANY of the problems you described about EFNet.

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id have not seen any official PS IRC channel, and i have looked in PS forums quite a bit... i jus stayin #prestahop and ##prestashop incase anyone comes.. the #perstashop has some _fish in ther first that i never seen other than that i have brandonc503 and brandonc503phn. if we can get the workd around im sure it will start to get populated

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