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[SOLVED] How to Remove a Tab?

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It isn't there. I have the tabs across the top: Catalog, Customers, Orders, Payment, Shipping, Stats, Modules, Employees, Preferences, Tools, Adverts, Advert

I want to delete Advert but I can't find it listed in any list. In the Tools>Tabs, it lists the first 9 as stated above, then goes to Manufacturers, Attributes and groups, Addresses, etc. Can't find Adverts or Advert anyplace except in the tab position across the top of the Back Office.

Once I got the Adverts programs in the correct folders, the Adverts tab started working. The Adverts module is now listed in Advertisement Modules under Modules - I don't need the unwanted Advert tab which I also created in trying to get this module working.

When I click on the unwanted Advert tag, it says Invalid Security Token.

At some point in time, I will want to also delete the Adverts tab and its module as it is converting my .png image with a transparent background to a .jpg with a white background upon upload.

Thanks for you help - and patience.

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Did you navigate through all the pages of tabs on Tools > Tabs or just the first page? If you still can't find it, you will need to manually delete the duplicate tab from your ps_tab and ps_tab_lang tables in your database using phpMyAdmin.

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