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PayPal API inserting code

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I keep getting this code insterted into my new order email, I have no idea what it mean or what to do about it, can someone please give me an idea of what to do to sort it :)

Making new connection to 'api-3t.paypal.com/nvp' Connect with CURL method sucessfull Sending this params: METHOD=DoExpressCheckoutPayment&VERSION=60.0&PWD=6FLYPC78HSKVBQR2&USER=8888888_api1.aol.com&SIGNATURE=AM.NgifylC-ZNUQ7uifkutuihpojpojFj2-VdXfjzY&TOKEN=EC-5U105041R5270305L&PAYERID=3RYQWNNC44CTQ&PAYMENTACTION=Sale&AMT=8.81&CURRENCYCODE=GBP& Send with CURL method sucessfull PayPal response: TOKEN -> EC-5U105041R5270305L SUCCESSPAGEREDIRECTREQUESTED -> false TIMESTAMP -> 2010-10-29T06:38:07Z CORRELATIONID -> 1478805b6b28e ACK -> Success VERSION -> 60.0 BUILD -> 1553277 TRANSACTIONID -> 3S4458250X5709328 TRANSACTIONTYPE -> expresscheckout PAYMENTTYPE -> instant ORDERTIME -> 2010-10-29T06:38:06Z AMT -> 8.81 FEEAMT -> 0.50 TAXAMT -> 0.00 CURRENCYCODE -> GBP PAYMENTSTATUS -> Completed PENDINGREASON -> None REASONCODE -> None PROTECTIONELIGIBILITY -> PartiallyEligible INSURANCEOPTIONSELECTED -> false SHIPPINGOPTIONISDEFAULT -> false Order finished with PayPal! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have still got this problem, I recieved the following from PayPal.

Any one shed any light on this please.

That is the API request you're posting to us for the DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call. PayPal doesn't send that to you, its something you send to us. We don't keep a record of it for the merchant to view. It is possible your shopping cart is sending that to you as part of a logging or debug option you have enabled in the software of your shopping cart.

If you're not sure where that option is, I would recommend you contact the appropriate support team at Prestashop and they should be able to help you get that toggled off.
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  • 1 month later...

I have a similar issue. It's inconvenient because I use the email to print a packing slip, and with this code attached to the customer message at the bottom there's more trimming I have to do with the message. Does anyone know how to get rid of this code in the New order email? BTW this is happening with Paypal API 1.0, until now I was using the paypal 1.6 module and there was no such code being sent with the email.

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