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cart adds $5 shipping for no reason...

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No, it's set to $0 like always. Look at the attachment, I want the price on the top bar to show as the "total", shipping should not be added at all to the cart block. But the other thing is, the cheapest shipping bracket I have means the cheapest shipping could POSSIBLY be is $5.97 so idk where the $5.00 is even coming from. I want to just change the cart TPL to get rid of the shipping code and turn cart total (the $CALL or whatever) into the total displayed on the top bar, so is there a call for that that i can just replace the one in the cart with?



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Now, my gift wrapping charge is set to $5, the only $5 anywhere I could find in admin, but I checked and that fee shows up by itself, adding itself to this mysterious $5 for shipping that is already there! see for yourself.. spoonysglasspipes.com i need this fixed for client, thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone figured this out yet? I am running V1.0 and have the same problem. The handling charge is set to zero and I only have a single shipping method where everything above 0 pounds and $0 are both set at $0 rate. This isn't good.

Thanks for any assistance you can provide to the two of us.

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No i didnt activate it .

When i go to the cart and make the order , then the 5,95 will be there after i choose for shipping then chance the shippingcost in the cart , also in the cart right on the top

And when i make finaly the order complete the 5,95 is gone and the right cost are on the order

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I looked again to it but dont now how to resolve it.

When i add something to my cart there is for shipping 5,95€ ( i cant find any of this in the admin and tax for shipping is off)
When i go to check out i go to the page

And nothing change still 5,95€ shipping in my card

-When i go further to shipping site and choose my carrier for €2,50 it change the 5,95€ to €2,50 when i go to the payment site.

And from now the shipping is correct even when i go back to add more product to my card. (I had the carrier in Admin set to 2 prices in weight and works then correct)

I believe there is somthing not correct in order.php but i cant find it

May be some of you ?

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