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Can't edit combinations (PS 1.7)

Vivaldi Meble

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I've got a problem with combinations - I can't edit them after they are created. For instance, I create an X product with 2-3 week delivery and after some time I want to change the delivery time to 1 week - I can't do that, I need to delete and recreate the combination. I need to able to edit the attributes selected for the combination. With one product it's not a problem, but when you have hundreds of them and need to constantly edit them, it's a nightmare...

I get that the "default" Prestashop doesn't have the option to edit them, but is there any module for that? I'm not talking about things like "Prestashop Mass product combinations editor" - this module can be used to edit price or quantity, I need to edit attributes of the combination without the need to delete and recreate it.

I've attached an image to help with the problem, though it's in Polish. 

edit combination.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...

i also have this problem. even with version which should have fixed it.

funny thing is that this used to work ever since i installed with version but last week it stopped working without notice.

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  On 5/15/2018 at 8:09 AM, musicmaster said:

Prestools has some options for that. It is free.


I've installed the module you mentioned, but nothing really changed - I now have a module with 3 options to configure that does nothing. Am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: Ah, I now read that you need to drop it onto the server directly, not install it through Presta. :P

Edited by Vivaldi Meble (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...

Hello, same problem here with Prestashop
impossible to save the updates on combinations

i have to do it manually in phpmyadmin but my customer does not adhere to the concept ^^


I have activated the debug mode 

and i see that the $_POST is well sent by ajax with my values
but nothing is written in the database


  "attribute_default" => "1"
  "attribute_quantity" => "0"
  "available_date_attribute" => ""
  "attribute_minimal_quantity" => "1"
  "attribute_reference" => ""
  "attribute_low_stock_threshold" => ""
  "attribute_wholesale_price" => "0.000000"
  "attribute_price" => "100"
  "attribute_priceTI" => "120"
  "attribute_ecotax" => "0.000000"
  "attribute_unity" => "0.000000"
  "attribute_weight" => "0"
  "attribute_isbn" => ""
  "attribute_ean13" => ""
  "attribute_upc" => ""
  "id_product_attribute" => "108"
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Ok, in France we would say "le truc de fou"
After losing 3 hours to scratch my head with this issue,
I Just noticed that the product i was trying to edit had no "main category" assigned

so i choosed a main category and now it's ok, editing combinations is repaired

Edit 3 : 
The problems listed below have been solved by flushing the "product_attribute" tables
Now it's ok, i think i had broken references to some ancient attributes

but believe it or not, i found an other bug while editing the combinations of the next product

Duplicate entry '15-1' for key 'product_default'<br /><br /><pre>UPDATE `ps_product_attribute` SET `id_product_attribute` = '113',`id_product` = '15',`location` = '',`ean13` = '',`isbn` = '',`upc` = '',`quantity` = '0',`reference` = '',`supplier_reference` = '',`wholesale_price` = '0',`price` = '0',`ecotax` = '0',`weight` = '0',`unit_price_impact` = '0',`minimal_quantity` = '1',`low_stock_threshold` = NULL,`low_stock_alert` = '0',`default_on` = '1',`available_date` = '0000-00-00' WHERE `id_product_attribute` = 113</pre>


This drives me nuts :(



Edit : I found a workaround

Go to the product, no main combination is selected ----> don't choose a main combination, save -> OK
This repairs the ps_product_attribute table
Now I can choose a main combination and save


Edit 2 : Short-lived joy

The flag for the main combination was well saved

but after having edited the prices, I now have this exception : 


Uncaught Exception: Duplicate entry '15-1' for key 'product_default'<br /><br /><pre>UPDATE ps_product_attribute a INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_attribute = a.id_product_attribute AND product_attribute_shop.id_shop = 1) SET a.default_on = '1', product_attribute_shop.default_on = '1' WHERE a.id_product_attribute = 111</pre>

Still a problem with the default combination flag
It makes me crazy


Edited by hexasolutions3d (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I do not know if I’m wrong, it’s a bug, or this function is not included in PS. I can’t edit combinations after they are created. For instance, I create an X product with color and size combinations and after I want to add another variable (..materials) to all existing combinations – I can’t do that, I need to delete and recreate the combination. It seems very strange .. I did some tests, and in the product / combination page, I add in the generator the two variables I want to insert, after selecting all the combinations to apply them .. I click on “generate” and instead of adding the new variables to the already existing combinations, I find them at the bottom of the page, by themselves. I think it’s crazy, so if I have to add a variant to my products, do I have to re-insert all the combinations (PS There is not a paid form that allows me to manage this thing?

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  • 1 year later...
  On 11/5/2018 at 11:28 AM, polxxx said:

Hi, I do not know if I’m wrong, it’s a bug, or this function is not included in PS. I can’t edit combinations after they are created. For instance, I create an X product with color and size combinations and after I want to add another variable (..materials) to all existing combinations – I can’t do that, I need to delete and recreate the combination. It seems very strange .. I did some tests, and in the product / combination page, I add in the generator the two variables I want to insert, after selecting all the combinations to apply them .. I click on “generate” and instead of adding the new variables to the already existing combinations, I find them at the bottom of the page, by themselves. I think it’s crazy, so if I have to add a variant to my products, do I have to re-insert all the combinations (PS There is not a paid form that allows me to manage this thing?


Hello, did you solve ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just noticed this problem, it's funny because in Prestashop 1.6 all attributes of the combinations were editable. In PS 1.7 this is not possible, a downgrade that is really awkward!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...
  On 8/21/2018 at 1:58 PM, hexasolutions3d said:

Hello, same problem here with Prestashop
impossible to save the updates on combinations

i have to do it manually in phpmyadmin but my customer does not adhere to the concept ^^


I have activated the debug mode 

and i see that the $_POST is well sent by ajax with my values
but nothing is written in the database


  "attribute_default" => "1"
  "attribute_quantity" => "0"
  "available_date_attribute" => ""
  "attribute_minimal_quantity" => "1"
  "attribute_reference" => ""
  "attribute_low_stock_threshold" => ""
  "attribute_wholesale_price" => "0.000000"
  "attribute_price" => "100"
  "attribute_priceTI" => "120"
  "attribute_ecotax" => "0.000000"
  "attribute_unity" => "0.000000"
  "attribute_weight" => "0"
  "attribute_isbn" => ""
  "attribute_ean13" => ""
  "attribute_upc" => ""
  "id_product_attribute" => "108"


how do that in phpMyAdmin? 


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