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[SOLVED] Product list problem on safari

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I've got a big poblem on my website. I tried to modify the template in order to have a grid instead of a list for the products listing, everything is working fine excepted on safari where the product divs go out of the template, and every product goes to the next line.

The pages listing the sub-categories and brands etc. are working, its only with the products listing in a category (where it uses ajax to sort)

Can anyone help me ? the website is http://www.bubblewood.com/eshopv2

thanks a lot, I'm on it since 2 days I can't find the non closed div or what's the problem.

if you need a part of my CSS or anything just ask I'm yours

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Thank you for your answer. I couldn't find the comment you are talking about. I think that is this kind of problem I have

here is my product-list.tpl

>{if isset($products)}
   <!-- Products list -->
   {foreach from=$products item=product name=products}

{if $product.new == 1}{l s='new'}{/if}{$product.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|truncate:100:'...'}
getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home')}" alt="{$product.legend|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" />

               {if $product.on_sale}
{l s='On sale!'}
               {elseif ($product.reduction_price != 0 || $product.reduction_percent != 0) && ($product.reduction_from == $product.reduction_to OR ($smarty.now|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' <= $product.reduction_to && $smarty.now|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' >= $product.reduction_from))}
{l s='Price lowered!'}

{if !$priceDisplay}{convertPrice price=$product.price}{else}{convertPrice price=$product.price_tax_exc}{/if}

{if ($product.allow_oosp OR $product.quantity > 0)}{l s='Available'}{else}{l s='Out of stock'}{/if}

               {if ($product.allow_oosp OR $product.quantity > 0) && $product.customizable != 2}
                   <!-- {l s='Add to cart'} -->
                       <!-- {l s='Add to cart'}  -->
{l s='View'}

<br>   <!-- /Products list --><br

I only have an ipad to check on safari, maybe it's solved, but when I ask to clean the cache on ipad it's seems to do nothing.

Is that the file you were talking about ?
I'm not sure the bug is still there, but I think

Thank you to take care of my request, I'm totally stuck with this bug

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Not sure if that is right file.

I think Filter search module uses one in coremanager/modules/filtersearch/views/product-list.tpl .

Also from previous post not only that closing div is commented out , closing li is missing.
That part of code should be like this


Could you add both product-list.tpl files to zip file an attach it to your post.

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