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Birthday present module using it to fraud

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I wonder if somebody use the birthday module, I tested this module and it works really good, to good I believe.
If a customer has a validated order and today is his birthday he will receive a voucher if a cronjob is running.
But what will happen if he changed his birthday in his account to tomorrow.
The cronjob is running again and yes he will receive a voucher again.
Am I overlooking something or is it a possiblity to fraud!


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Yes, that it a problem. You could modify identify.tpl and disable or remove the birthday code from there. That way, the customer cannot change their birthday. They could only enter their birthday when registering. You'd need to add a note to authentication.tpl to let the customer know that they should enter their correct birthday when registering, since they can't change it afterwards.

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to commend out the part in your identity.tpl that's no problem.
but when the customers tries to change something in his name or what ever, then when he pushed update, then his birthday becomes empty....
any idea to solve this?

ps, set the select to disabled works that the client can not change it, but still after update the date is empty.

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I found a correct way to solve this.

first add before the select of the brithday this part. Now the user will see the birthday in a form field that is disabled.
if he/she see that date is not correct they can contact you.
go to the file in your theme folder/identify.tpl
and look for line 57 and then add/change this piece.

{l s='Birthday'}
 <input type="birthday" name="birthday" id="birthday" value="{$smarty.post.birthday|date_format:'%d-%m-%Y'}" disabled/>

and then the whole selection stuff you just hide it by the div.
at :

{l s='Birthday'}

{foreach from=$years item=v}

so just add a div wrap around the whole select stuff.
in that case when users change their name,password or whatever, then they don't change the date or reset it.

hope this will help you out.

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