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Add new property to article

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Hi everyone

I need to add a functionallity to V1.1 beta prestashop, and I request some help. I thought that team was working on it, but it seems no.

I need to add some "property" to article (like name or reference, but different and mandatory) and that appears in the box where name and price is displayed.

I previously thought it would be easier to modify attributes to allow enter free text instead of selecting from attributes...

Other thinks I thought is use features, but should be mandatory fields and should be seen in the main box.

Thank you!

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Hi unamed!

For doing what you want you have two different ways:

- using the product features AND editing your PrestaShop theme, more precisely your product page theme to display the feature you want on the "price's frame"

- editing directly the PrestaShop core by adding a new field on your product table, Product class, AdminProduct tab, product controler and product page template

The first solution is of course the faster and easier way. And moreover will be easier to keep under PrestaShop futur upgrades. Except that only the second solution allow you to made that "property" required during a product creation/modification.

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The problem on using features (I have already tried it, but only worked some times, depending on which features you have filled) is that when you receive in the template the features, you don't get it with it's reference name+value (like an array of 2 elements, property_name and value), you get only the value (and not ordered alphabetically). So I didn't know how to get the correct feature value to show it on the "pricese frame" , as they are no correctly ordered.

Thank you

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