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Image Upload Problems Still Not Fixed

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Hi everyone,

I can't believe that after all this time, this is STILL a persistent problem with PrestaShop.
Trying to upload image url's in CSV files still causes the error "Error copying image: /img/books/test-image.jpg".

Has anyone at PrestaShop even tried to fix this problem? All permissions of directories and files are correctly set, which leads me to believe that it's PS's problem this still happens.

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Are you absolutely sure it is a PS problem?
While I've never used the CSV import, we use a custom written import script, I doubt that they would leave such a glaring bug in this module.

I will run a few tests locally to see if, in fact, there is a problem and then post my results and, if needed, a solution.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was having this problem and solved it by:

1. Upload all the images to be imported to the destination server.

2. Set permissions on all those image to 777.

3. Set permissions on your /img dir to 777 recursively.

4. Set the URLs of the images in your CSV to a relative url (../your-image-dir/image-name.jpg)

Worked for me. Good luck.

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Thanks Dasher, but they're still not showing.

They're all uploaded to our server, and the CSV has the relative url's, but still nothing. PS is a piece of shit, and the so-called admins are useless. I've contacted them at least a dozen times but get nothing back.

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  • 2 months later...

Try not looking like a douche and using the following syntax

../img/books/test-image.jpg NOT /img/books/test-image.jpg

The ".." IS needed - if you do this and point to the correct dirs with correct permissions it works (look up what a relative directory is and how they work for a better understanding of why)

You claim to have the relative directories in your import csv yet your pasted error shows you do not (as shown by the corrected syntax above)

It took me a little to get it going - but that does not mean it does not work nor is there any need for unqualified insults - all that shows is you either:

Lack following instructions
Lack searching for answers
Lack a brain

I can understand presta's admins not replying to silly questions as such - especially if they were in similar tone to your posts which seem to assume - if you cannot get it going it must be broken as opposed to actually following the instructions given.

PrestaShop thanks for a free - half decent store script. Know there are many of us who appreciate it and use it properly

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  • 8 months later...

Yep, thanks


../img/books/test-image.jpg is working


I spend 4 hours sollving the problem - becasue in the documentation is written to use Absolute links:


"The URL of the image must be specified in full. In other words, the link that may

be used in a web browser to display the image. Example: http://www.myprestashop/images/productXXX.gif "


Source: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS14/Exploring+PrestaShop%27s+Tools#ExploringPrestaShop%27sTools-Import


They sholud rewrite it.


Many thanks again I had 808 pictures to upload.

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