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Problems With Mail SMTP

Pixefora D

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I have a problem with my prestashop store, which has been going on for about 1 month:

When a customer places an order, or when using the contact form, or when trying to forward an order to a customer, the mail never arrives: "An error occurred while sending e-mail to the customer." But this only happens SOMETIMES. It may happen that during 3 days everything goes well, and in the room for 5 hours send 1 mail out of every 100.

I have consulted the administrators of the server and they tell me that the SMTP service is going well

. I have also verified that if I change to the php mailer function, everything works perfectly. Has something similar happened to someone? Any ideas.


Prestahop version

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for contact form is to locate problem.

edit /modules/contactform/contactform.php    crtl +f   - find  function sendMessage  and go down where it say An error... i think line 418.


$this->context->controller->errors[] = $this->trans('An error occurred while sending the message, please try again.', array(), 'Modules.Contactform.Shop');

replace to be like this 

$this->context->controller->errors[] = $errorMessage = error_get_last()['message'];


this way make it easy for you locate problem for contact us form. which i think lang/directory problem.!


as for smtp. is too easy if look at maillog to see problem in real time . so is 90% server problem.


wish this help little.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thx to answer.

Finally the problem was spam:

*DEBUG*     2018/04/27 - 11:30:03: ERROR Expected response code 250 but got code "550", with message "550 5.2.0 BzhWf26a9mCYa Spam Rejected


I get this message i edited classes/Mail.php and aboute line 405, after 

catch (Swift_SwiftException $e) {
                'Swift Error: '.$e->getMessage(),

Add this code:

	$logger = new FileLogger(0); //0 == nivel de debug. Sin esto logDebug() no funciona.
			$logger->logDebug("ERROR ".$e->getMessage());


Then, when the mail send get error, you can get the message code in log/debug.log.


I send this message to server administrator, and in one day was resolved


Edited by kurungele
Forget information (see edit history)
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