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The Product Is Missing (could do with assistance please)

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First things first - The cart looks great!

I am trying to set up a digital download site, a combination of mp3's and zip files (Audio tours), in the catalogue I check the 'Is this a service or Virtual Product?' box, and the choose the file to upload, but when the file has finished uploading I get an "Update Successful" message in green, but just below the 'Is this a service or Virtual Product?' box I get a message in a pink box saying:

"This product is missing:

"I have put the xxxx's in to hide the path"

Does any body have any idea as to what is, or is not happening, also when I go to the Downloads folder using my FTP client the file I uploded is not there, only a file with a string of characters similar to above that is the same file size as the one I had tried to upload.
I have also tried all the above with an mp3 file and the cart goes through to the checkout but the when I click the link for it to download it I get a message that say 'file no more exists'.

Many thanks in anticipation of a reply

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any resolution to this problem?
im using prestashop 1.4

also get the /.............. This product is missing: ........... error.

the TEMP workaround...would i rename the file to f765fdfa64671b8fc53adb325b1e651cbf98e275 or f765fdfa64671b8fc53adb325b1e651cbf98e275.mp3 ?

if the client downloads it...surely it wont make sense to them?

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