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Embeding Flash(SWF) files on a CMS page. flash photo gallery

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First, it is not Flash but that site uses the jQuery Cycle Plugin located here: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/
Take a look at their source code. (It is a Prestashop store, BTW) You can see that they modified the
code to the "Home text editor" I can make modifications for you to add that to the Home text editor if you are willing to pay a little.

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I know all this maybe my question wasn't clear enough, for that i apologize.

I am trying to embed a completely differance gallery:
on this page of that site:

When i use go into the html editor for the custom install page i use the same code they use to display the flash gallery

<!-- Script that embeds gallery. --> 
var so = new SWFObject('http://www.stretchshapes.net/themes/matrice/gallery/flashgallery.swf", "gallery", "800", "600", "8"); // Location of SWF file. You can change gallery width and height here (using pixels or percents).
so.addParam("quality", "high");
so.addParam("allowFullScreen", "true");
so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
so.addVariable("content_path","http://www.stretchshapes.net/themes/matrice/gallery/img"); // Location of a folder with JPG and PNG files (relative to php script).
so.addVariable("color_path","http://www.stretchshapes.net/themes/matrice/gallery/default.xml"); // Location of XML file with settings.
so.addVariable("script_path","http://www.stretchshapes.net/themes/matrice/gallery/flashgallery.php"); // Location of PHP script.

The only problem i could see is i had to change the code to the full paths for each file.

I have also explored the option of iframes, but the editor wont take them properly...

any suggestions?

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NOTE: You will not be able to modify the module contents in the BO but this will show the gallery.
Do not try to configure the module in the BO, it may mess everything up.

Attached is the full editorial.tpl. The stupid freaking forum won't post without taking out the javascript stuff and it is critical.

The images MUST be in the folder:/modules/editorial/img
Place the other files, flashgallery.swf, flashgallery.php, default.xml directly in the folder:

Don't forget to set the size in the new SWFObject call.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Go over it again you just probably missed one! If you don't have or are unsure of what files they are download a new copy make sure it's the same veresion and look at the file and go over it one by one! Good Luck!

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