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Registration form changes. Remove adress. Need help

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I need help to simplify registration form. I want it looks like this:

- Name
- Surname
- Password
- Confirm pasword

If custumer cart is emty then I want to go his to custumer acount.
If there are goods in cart I want customer to go to cart summary
and in the next step custumer need to be asked enter his adress.

If anybody could help me? :) Thank You

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There is a cheap way around this that won't cost you anything, and you won't have to dig through the code base but you will need some stuff which if you don't need ignore this method.
If you use the jfusion plugin (check dev forum) people can register with just those details and be able to login into prestashop. With that tell customers to register on the homepage, and if you check prestashop addons I'm sure Iv'e come across a payment warning module which you can write a message in to tell users to update there address.

If you don't want to use joomla with prestashop ignore this.

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