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[SOLVED] Product Thumbs Not Appearing (?)

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The strange thing is that when I go to the Category view, my product images don't appear at all, only the alt text:

My site

Everywhere else, they appear fine, even the thumbs. When I go into the product detail, you can see the product images. Why wouldn't they be displaying correctly in the Category? Any ideas about what I should do to remedy?

Much obliged for any assistance!

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You're absolutely right! I may have to play with the sizing, but that's perfect to get me going. For some reason when I installed my theme, it didn't contain any preset directions for modules or other adjustments to make to the settings. I truly appreciate your assistance. You rock, rocky :)

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On second thought, rocky...I seem to be having an issue on the page now...the product elements seem to be going out of whack. If you click the link again you'll see. I've tried re-uploading the category.tpl and .php but to no resolve. I've also tried altering the thumbnail size and that has no effect. Suggestions?

CORRECTION: It only seem to be occurring on my herbal supplements category page, though it looks like it STARTS to happen on my books/cookbooks category page mid-way. (?)

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It's a theme issue. You need to clear some elements. Add something like the following:

#center_column .products_block ul li.item { clear: left }
#center_column .products_block ul li.alternate_item { clear: none }

To fix the pagination at the bottom, change:

/* pagination.tpl */
div.pagination { padding: 1em 0 }


/* pagination.tpl */
div.pagination { padding: 1em 0; clear: both }

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  • 4 weeks later...

Argh..its doing it again, rocky. Although, I think it might be happening because I added a new element to the product-listing (a piece of code that puts a custom quantity box for users to enter the number of items they want of that particular product*), and that may be pushing the sizing out of whack. Thoughts?

*- Do you know if there is any way to add this to my cart instead of the product listing?...the up and down arrows are nice, but customers usually want large quantities of certain products which would be more convenient to just enter it in rather than click.

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In PrestaShop v1.4, the quantity in the cart summary is a text field instead of a label, so you can edit the quantity instead of only using the +/- buttons. It's a difficult change to make though, so I can't explain how to make the change to earlier versions of PrestaShop.

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I gotcha..I suppose its no biggie when I can add it to the product listing page, and it already being on the product description page as well :) BUT this whole ordeal with the product listing page going haywire again is really an issue. Would you know any way to correct this product block misalignment problem? (before you go on vaca ;) )

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  • 2 weeks later...

If theres anyone else having issues in their product listing page with product boxes mis-aligning, you can set the height to the boxes in your theme > css > global stylesheet under this set of code:

ul#product_list li {
   float: left;
   background: #E4E4E4 url(../img/top-h2.png) repeat-x;
   border-right : #CFCFCF solid 1px;
   border-bottom : #fff solid 1px;

I added a height of 200px, which was plenty of room to add whatever I needed.

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