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URL is incorrect for Blockadvertising and banner ads

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the home page image properties shows the domain path twice:

for example, when you right click on the image and view the properties, this is what shows:'>
notice how the domain is shown twice. The store's URL is

when I modified the blockadvertising.php file from this:

$smarty->assign('image', $protocol_content.$server_host.$this->adv_img);

to this:

$smarty->assign('image', $protocol_content.$this->adv_img);

Basically just removing the .$server_host

Now the image URL is correct with this:

The images appear just fine after modifying blockadvertsing.php. Does anyone have any idea as to what is causing this issue?
This doesn't seem normal and I have been trying to figure out for hours why the images don't show on the front page for blockadvertising and the blockbanners.

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