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(SOLVED)How to hide sizes in attributes

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Is it possible to hide attributes not available? Is there away or not?

On http://fineprint.se/product.php?id_product=114 I have set up the available attributes.

I have 3 print materials and the sizes alters between canvas and the two others.
I want to hide the sizes not available for the material Mastersolo. The solution i have made is the little green text when choosing a not available size (without the dot).


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Yes I have tried that. The "dont show" indeed sounds exactly as the function needed.

I have tried generate, generate and delete the combinations that are not available as well as add each of them manually and now i have, in the purpose of test, uploaded the original 1.3.2 product.tpl with out any change in function in this matter.

I wonder how it is supposed to work with the not available function - i have checked the wiki but can´figure it out.

The only solution left is that i have done wrong with my setup of attributes - witch properly is the answer in the end:).

I add some monitor dumps of my settings in BO - maybe some [spam-filter] see what I have set wrong.





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Hope I have not missed any preferences in this matter but it seems like this:

I have tested the same thing on a untouched installation of PS (did not before because my is also untouched in a matter of functions) and it works the same there. Even if you delete a specific combination that choice will be visible but when you choose it the

"Availability:The product does not exist in this model. Please choose another" will show. Great - now i know:)

Although it would be supergreat to hide the combinations not available as well fine to know what the "Display unavailable product attributes on product page" does.

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sorry for bothering, i know this is not topic for solution of my problem but i don`t know where to post it, so I have chosen this topic (I don`t know why :D) I`d like to know how can I change the Information block. I want to change text of Delivery card, Legal notice, Terms and conditions of use, etc. It is possible? Thanx :)

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(punkqwer look further down)

It seem like there are two ways to handle this.


Use stockmanagement and put the unwanted combinations amount of products to 0. The message showing PS is:
"Availability:This product is no longer in stock with those attributes but is available with others"
The combination as far as I can see visible is still possible to choose.


Delete that specific combination after you have generated combinations, no change of amount in stock and stockmanagement turned off. This message will show: Availability:The product does not exist in this model. Please choose another.

In both cases the buy button is hidden.

I dont know whats best but for me selling prints and don´t need the stock management i stick with option 2. The text is editable in the bo so you can advise customers to read more.

Anyone knows what the option in BO (Display unavailable product attributes on product page” ) please let us know.
Other views in this issue are welcome:)


punkqwe (to edit Legal noticeetc go to admin/tools/cms - there you can edit this - good luck!)

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hahaha, ok, so we're dealing with the same problem at the same time.

Stefan, I just posted something on another topic, please check:


or maybe just a way to create a second attributes module into the product page. and configure each for a specific sub-product.


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