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Back Office Problem. "Apply Filter" doesn't work

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I have a problem in the back office with the filters at products and at orders. For example, if I select at "Orders" the status box "sent" and click on "Apply flter" the page is recharged but shows all orders again, without filter.
In the products the same happens, I type a string or select an option, "Apply Filter" recharge and shows all again.

If I change paging number option, apply it correctly.

I searched forums and google but I can't find anything on the subject. I need to solve it, especially for orders since it's the logical and necessary way to see all new orders, all paid orders,....

Any suggestions?

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I recover original file and pagination doesnt' work again, and filters don't work. I think that are two different problems.

Many people have pagination problem, but only a few have filters problem. I don't use english language, I use spanish one, and people with filter problem usually not use english language (I finded on spanish or on french).


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