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(SOLVED) How to add products under special on the price drop page?

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How do I add items on special on the price drop page?

I been trying to figure this one out but no luck.

I read some stuff in the forum but it's not working.

Can we just add the item or tick a box with new price somewhere without having to change the existing price or adding the product again?

Can someone point me in the right direction?


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In PrestaShop, you must edit each product and enter a reduction amount or percentage for it to be added as a special. You can't have a product on special without a reduction. If you really need products without a reduction as specials, you can either artificially increase the price to make it look like there is a reduction, or you could modify code so that products with "Display 'on sale' icon on product page and text on product listing" ticked are considered as specials too.

To do that, change lines 1194-1198 of classes/Product.php (in PrestaShop v1.3.2) from:

WHERE (`reduction_price` > 0 OR `reduction_percent` > 0)
'.((!$beginning AND !$ending) ?
   'AND (`reduction_from` = `reduction_to` OR (`reduction_from` <= \''.pSQL($currentDate).'\' AND `reduction_to` >= \''.pSQL($currentDate).'\'))'
   ($beginning ? 'AND `reduction_from` <= \''.pSQL($beginning).'\'' : '').($ending ? 'AND `reduction_to` >= \''.pSQL($ending).'\'' : '')).'


WHERE `on_sale` = 1 OR (`reduction_price` > 0 OR `reduction_percent` > 0)
'.((!$beginning AND !$ending) ?
   'AND (`reduction_from` = `reduction_to` OR (`reduction_from` <= \''.pSQL($currentDate).'\' AND `reduction_to` >= \''.pSQL($currentDate).'\'))'
   ($beginning ? 'AND `reduction_from` <= \''.pSQL($beginning).'\'' : '').($ending ? 'AND `reduction_to` >= \''.pSQL($ending).'\'' : '')).'

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  • 1 year later...

hi rocky,


" If you really need products without a reduction as specials, you can either artificially increase the price to make it look like there is a reduction, or you could modify code so that products with "Display 'on sale' icon on product page and text on product listing" ticked are considered as specials too."


would you know how to do this in v 1.4 ?

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...

Just selecting a check box to add it to the price drop would be great I have been screwing with this thing all day. Lets say I have an item for 5699 and I do a 900 price drop its shows at 4799 which is correct, when I log into my user account it increases the ammount to 4853. I have a tax rule set for my state of 6.25? which is about 300? not sure where the 52 is coming from the shipping set is 22.


I just think that if it is marked sale it should be included in specials. Having said that I have been using Oscommerce for several applications, and Presta shop is by far supperior, I will just get it out in the open I LOVE PRESTA SHOP!

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