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All the modules at right are dispear!

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Anyone can help me with this issue?
I trying to solve this problem by re-install the shop, it works but the database are mess! so I restore the site.
Please help me

All the modules at right side and bottom blocks are dispear today, sometimes it will appear, but sometimes not.
I never edit the file or something, really strange.
I believe the main problem is the bottom block, it is lead the right block disappear.
Thanks for help!

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@jameshou008 :

1/ Topic title modified to suit the forum's rules,
2/ You should be more patient, 14 minutes is not very long on a forum,
3/ [solved] ? How did you solve that problem? Please explain for the other users.


I try to re-install the latest version of Prestashop, yes, it works, but the database made me mess, so I restore the site, know you can see the problem is still there, headache...
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