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[MODULE] Faceted search with price range slider for PrestaShop 1.7


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[IMPORTANT] This module is deprecated, because it's for Faceted search module V2 only, most people has already upgraded to v3. Check out our new Easy filter - A modern filter module for PrestaShop1.7, it can display any features and attributes in range slider. 


Faceted search with price range slider for PrestaShop 1.7

Check this Youtube video to see how it works.


FREE for all future updates.
6 months FREE general support included.
Developed by PrestaShop experts.
Compatible with PrestaShop to


1. Price range slider and weight range slider.

Improved the native behavior of Faceted search module to make price range slider and weight range slider work along, they won’t disappear after filtering products using them.

1.5 Range slider for some attributes and features [NEW].


If values of a attribute or a feature are all in the same format (Number+Unit or Unit+Number), then the attribute or the feature can be displayed in range slider. Here are some examples.

  • 48, 48, 50
  • 2018, 2017
  • 33 inches, 59 inches
  • 60 Hz,120 Hz
  • 8G, 16G
  • iPhone 7, iPhone 8
  • v2, v4

Attributes and features like these can’t be displayed as range slider. 

  • 2 to 4 Years, 5 to 7 Years
  • S, M, L

2. Range sliders with inputs.
Give another way to customers for them to set precise values to filter products.

3. Range sliders with tooltips.

Show currently values in tooltips, a quite fancy way.

4. Vertical range sliders.
If you have a wide range of price and weight, then vertical range sliders would be a good choice for you. Because general range sliders are place on the left column, the width for sliders is limited. You can set the height of vertical sliders to make them be as high as you need.

5. Predefined range slider styles.

With two price defined range slider styles: Square handles and round handles.

6. Customizable range slider.

Several options to change colors and sizes.


Other features.

  1. Full touch support.
  2. Responsive.
  3. All major browsers support.
  4. RTL support.
  5. Multi-shop support.
  6. Multi-languages.



Faceted search with price range slider 1.1.4 (January 11, 2019)

  • Fixed another native problem of the facet search module when filtering product via tax included prices.

Faceted search with price range slider 1.1.3 (December 29, 2018)

  • Fixed a native problem of the facet search module which would cause small prices not showing out.
  • Fixed a problem of dropdown menus not working.

Faceted search with price range slider 1.1.2 (December 8, 2018)

  • Added possibility to use range slider for some attributes and features.

Faceted search with price range slider 1.1.1 (Nov 17, 2018)

  • Fixed a minor problem of Faceted search module, the problem causes products not showing out when stock management is disabled.

Faceted search 2.2.1 (Nov 13, 2018)

  • Upgrade faceted search to 2.2.1.

Faceted search with price range slider 1.1.0 (Nov 8, 2018)

  • Fixed a minor compatibility problem with IE.

Faceted search with price range slider 1.0.9 (Oct 12, 2018)

  • Fixed a problem of products out of price filter range showing out.
  • Fixed a problem of limit setting for filters not working.

Faceted search with price range slider 1.0.7 (July 26, 2018)

  • Fixed a problem of empty filters showing out.


Faceted search with price range slider 1.0.6 (June 30, 2018)

  • Improved this module to make range sliders work when prices don’t have decimals.

Faceted search with price range slider 1.0.5 (June 21, 2018)

  • Added compatibility with Alysum theme.

Faceted search with price range slider 1.0.4 (June 15, 2018)

  • Fixed a problem of filters not showing out when ranges are small.

Faceted search with price range slider 1.0.3 (June 1, 2018)

  • Fixed a problem of filter values changing automatically.

Faceted search with price range slider 1.0.2 (April 23, 2018)

  • Improved the feature of setting values using inputs to accept values without decimals.

Faceted search with price range slider 1.0.1 (April 12, 2018)

  • Added “Step” options for sliders.
  • Fixed a problem with inputs.

Faceted search with price range slider 1.0.0 (April 11, 2018)

  • Initial release.
Edited by tantan199 (see edit history)
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I just installed this plugin, on my site. The slider is not appearing. I have read your documentation, but the problem was not resolved.

I could find the specified value in the facet.tpl file. 

I am using the warehouse theme, on Prestashop 1.7.3



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Hi thanks,

I am using this theme https://themeforest.net/item/at-elaq-responsive-prestashop-theme/20979021

Is possible to display price filter on minimum difference price
ex: product 1 price 7.05, product 2 price 7.07, product 3 price 7.09
Any settings available for this...

Please give me the solution...



Edited by bharath.acapecomrin
spelling mistake (see edit history)
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On 5/30/2018 at 6:46 AM, tantan199 said:

@humbert That's a great idea to use slider for some other attributes and features, several days ago another customer asked the question. I am going to check to see if it's possible. Will get back to you within days.

Hello, it's done? It's work?

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#humbert I had a look the other day, I found it's not easy to achieve that, because of it's difficult to automatically handle units and numbers in different formats, I will take a more deep look at the middle of this month.

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@Kamlesh Gupta The Faceted search module is quite good, it runs on thousands sites, which means it's stable enough, with our improvements and fixes,  it's now trustworthy.  If I create a module to provide price range slider only, people wouldn't need it. If you don't like other features provided by the faceted search module, then don't use them or you can find someone to remove them.

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