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[SOLVED] Move my store to another domain without losing data - How?


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I want to change my domain name, and move the store to another domain.

Everything will still be the same (design), it will be the same database and so on.. only the domain is going to be changed.

Reason: Becasue I have bought a much better domain for my business.

Now to my question: How can I do this on the best way to prevent data loss and other problems?

I was thinking about something in this order;

1. First take a complete backup of my databases and store.
2. Turn the store in "maintance mode".
3. Move all the files from the old domain to the new domain (root directory).
4. Make following changes;
- Change store logo
- Change employee details (name, email and so on)
- Change contact details of the store

And i think that this is it? I am also using friendly URL (seo-url) so should i regenerate a new .htaccess file?

Have i forgot something?

Many thanks!

// SK01

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Yes, if the directory has changed, then you will need to update the "PS directory" on the Preferences tab or manually change PS_BASE_URI in config/settings.inc.php, then regenerate your .htaccess file. It sounds like you've got everything covered.

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