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(SOLVED) How to turn on drop down menu on product page?

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That isn't a module. The dropdowns are product attributes. Go to Catalog > Attributes and groups to create a "Disk space" attribute group with values "8Go", "16Go" and "32Go", then go to the "Product combinations generator" on the "3. Combinations" tab of the product editor to add attributes to to product.

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Got it, Thanks

I created the drop down called Hair Length with option 14" and 16".

I been trying to figure out how to make the price change to correspond when changing length, but I am having no luck in doing so.

Can you point me in the right direction on how to match price with the right selection?


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It looks like you've added the attributes the wrong way. I just tried adding that product to the cart and both attributes appeared. You should use the product combinations generator instead of selecting all the attributes on the "3. Combinations" and clicking "Add". Click on the "Product combinations generator" link on the "3. Combinations tab", then enter the difference between the base product price and the price of the attribute in the price impact fields, then click the "Generate" button, then "Back to product". That should create two different-priced attributes.

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