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Hi everyone, 

I am new to Prestashop community, while using and setting up the modules, my theme 'PRS050106' has lost its featured items block, can someone guide me how to recover it back.

it is enabled in modules, and also i can see the hooks but i dont know exactly what has happend, can someone guide me or i have to submit any file to also get help?


also i want to know that, i think my website is compromised, and generating a lot of links, and was blocked by my CDN, cloudflare, and was down yesterday,

i contacted godaddy, they said that they cant help until i shift back my dns addresses back to godaddy defaults.


I shifted them back but still there is trouble with website. the google insights, says that it is taking more than 20 cycles / rendering blocks to load so its assumed that website is not available for public online.


Address is www.nksparts.com


If i changed password of my database for security, do i need to update some conf's file somewhere ?


Please help, 

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