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PrestaShop 1.1 demo

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Hi all

PrestaShop demo is updated

Demo is located at:
You can Log-in as costumer:

username - [email protected]

Password - 12345

For admin access - got to http://demo.phpdemos.net/prestashop/backoffice

Username is: [email protected]

Password is: prestademo

This demo refreshed after four hour. Then all modifications will be lost.

PrestaShop development version demo is now closed, until next SVN version.
I added some extra products, so its now better to see how works product customization works. Loyalty program, vouchers etc. are also enabled.

Also - default user has some order history. Its good to see how customized products history looks.

I set up cron with script, witch deletes all files and database and restores it from backup, after four hour. I hope all works fine - when not -pleace let me know.

Website is located at USA.

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i tested Prestashop 1.1 Beta2 today and got 2 problems.

1) Comment is not working : i installed the comment module. but when i write something and click on send the page is refresh and showing Comment(0).

2) Online status : i am online but in admin area (Back Office) its showing 0 means no one is online (testing on local server)

NOTE: UTF-8 Encoding : U told me once about PDF UTF-8 Encoding , team will solve this problem in 1.1 but still there is no UTF-8 encoding.

if i got more i will update u.

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i tested Prestashop 1.1 Beta2 today and got 2 problems.

1) Comment is not working : i installed the comment module. but when i write something and click on send the page is refresh and showing Comment(0).

2) Online status : i am online but in admin area (Back Office) its showing 0 means no one is online (testing on local server)

NOTE: UTF-8 Encoding : U told me once about PDF UTF-8 Encoding , team will solve this problem in 1.1 but still there is no UTF-8 encoding.

if i got more i will update u.

Look to your Comment module settings. When you enabled the comments module and also validation, then You need to validate comments before they are visible.
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Hello I tested your shop...
Concerning customized products, did you see that when, for exemple, if you add 50 customized products in the cart... you go in the cart (oder.php) and you see 49 uncustomized products and only one customized product... Please do the test to see by yourself.

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When someone sees similar MySQL error [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set ..... /classes/MySQL.php line 71, then fix is easy. You need to correct your database:
1. Login to phpMyAdmin
2. Select your PrestaShop database from the drop down menu on the left. A list of tables in that db will appear directly below the drop down menu.
3. In the main content area, select the check box next to the table you want to repair - or check them all
4. In the With Selected drop down below, select Repair Table. You should now see a SQL-query message telling you that the status of the table is OK

Maybe this information is useful for someone.

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Hello I tested your shop...
Concerning customized products, did you see that when, for exemple, if you add 50 customized products in the cart... you go in the cart (oder.php) and you see 49 uncustomized products and only one customized product... Please do the test to see by yourself.

Look added picture - with 12 products its looks fine to me.
Also - look this PDF file - this is printout from Orders panel.

So - with 12 products looks evrything fine.

But when with more than 50 products are problems - then its some bug and You need to report about it.



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Je viens de faire le test pour 12 mugs personnalisés...
DOnc j'ai ajouté ma photo dans le champs personnalisation...
J'ai ajouté 12 produits au panier...
J'ai cliqué sur bouton Panier du block Panier (pour voir le panier en "dur")
Et regarde le resultat dans le fichier joint...
Il te met 1 mug avec ma photo et 11 autres sans personnalisation...
Je discute avec la prestaream a ce sujet mais il semble que cela soit le fonctionnement normal... mais je ne comprends plus bien en fait... j'attends IMPATIEMMENT leur retour...
Car il me semble que le client va se perdre s'il voit ca... et un client qui hésite c'est un client de perdu!
Dis mois ce que tu en penses...

En page d'acceuil dans la rubrique "PRODUITS PHARES" tu peux ajouter un mug au panier sans le personnaliser alors que tu a tagé le champs fichier comme obligatoire... C'est pas terrible
J'avoue que cette fonction est primordiale pour notre site (http://www.votrecalendrier.com) mais elle ne semble pas être bien au point. Je souhaiterais bosser avec la team pour améliorer tout ça...
A plus.


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First -- can You please write in English. I am Estonian and I don't understand French. German, Russian, English and Estonian are fine, but at French I can understand only some words :P

Second - Your attachment shows very interesting picture - like only one customized product and 12 without any customization. When You finishing Your order - is this order at backoffice and order history also like your screen?

EDIT: Here is my screen again. At order.php - all is fine. I add three customized products (two pictures and one text only) and two products without customization.


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Ok to write in English !
It works if you just add customized products one by one. I want to tell you that if you add for exemple 10 customized products in ONE time 'see picture (sans titre 2.jpg) you will have the results as shown in picture (sans titre 3.jpg). Please do the test to understand what I mean:
1. Customize you product by sendind a picture.
2. Choose 10 as quantities and click on "Add to cart"... You will have the same results as shown on picture (sans titre 3.jpg).

It's a big shame....
Please answer.


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Happy that you saw the problem, I'm not alone now interested on this issue.
I had a repport bug fews day ago (http://www.prestashop.com/bug_tracker/view/673/) but I didn't realy understood the answer. Can you please explain me the answer that Mathieu wrote: It displays now exactly how it works when you decide to set the quantity to 5 (for exemple) and add to your cart a customized product ... I do not understand this at all !
Waiting you answer

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Hi everyone!

Very good idea spott!
In deed we did not have time to update the PrestaShop official demo and taking that initiative is more than welcome.
Thank you.

Happy that you saw the problem, I'm not alone now interested on this issue.
I had a repport bug fews day ago (http://www.prestashop.com/bug_tracker/view/673/) but I didn't realy understood the answer. Can you please explain me the answer that Mathieu wrote: It displays now exactly how it works when you decide to set the quantity to 5 (for exemple) and add to your cart a customized product ... I do not understand this at all !
Waiting you answer

It means (my whole post and not just that sentence) that the feature wasn't suppose to support quantity setting from the product page on 1.1beta2. Actually it's reacting exactly how it should considering the version. It will support customer quantity definition, but not inside the beta2 so I repeat it, it not an issue, just that the feature is not complete even if perfectly functional.
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  • 1 month later...

Thanks PrestaShop Team.

In CVS version is customized product quantity problem solved :)

Happy that you saw the problem, I'm not alone now interested on this issue.
I had a repport bug fews day ago (http://www.prestashop.com/bug_tracker/view/673/) but I didn't realy understood the answer. Can you please explain me the answer that Mathieu wrote: It displays now exactly how it works when you decide to set the quantity to 5 (for exemple) and add to your cart a customized product ... I do not understand this at all !
Waiting you answer
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