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I need to see wicth products are out of stock

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"warehouse" report would be a very nice feature.

useful functions would be:

- products/attributes out of stock

- pr/at below warning stock

- pr overview with details for attributes

- forecast of pr/at stock in x/y/z days/weeks (shop owners would be able to tell distributors when they must have to product)

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in back office a new tab "warehouse" (or stock, ... ) with a take stock module, a stock forecast, and some reports which show what's out of stock, whats below warning stock, ... would be a perfect extension for prestashop.

at the moment you don't have a fast way to see whats out of stock.
you can select the information via sql and create a simple output, that would be work for 15-30 minutes.
another way would be, that you select each product and look through the attributes stock.

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