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Prices and taxes

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helo guys,


again one thing with prices and taxes. iam still confused with that tax feature. i dont understand why there is an option to activate/deactivate taxes, when it has no influence on price in the product tab in admin. look at the screenshot i have done. in admin it says that the RETAIL PRICE is 1529, but in the front end there is 1248. yes it is because i deactivated the tax in tax options, but why i can still choose the tax in product tab??? i dont understand that, it is a mess. it is NO WAY user friendly solution.



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This is not a bug.


You can set a tax on your product, and then one day you decide you want to disable tax for all your products (for example, 2,000 products in your shop). So, thanks to this option, you don't have to edit 2,000 products, instead you set tax options at 'off'. And if later you want to activate taxes again, you set the tax option at 'on', and all saved taxes for each product are once again used in the shop.


The two options are used separately in the Back Office, but in the Front Office, it will display correct price (either with or without tax according to the settings).

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ok, i did not report it as a bug, but as a nonsense. once again.


- in product page in admin, it displays RETAIL PRICE 1529 (price with tax after 10% discount)

- in section "products in this category" it shows price 1427 (price without tax and without 10% discount)

- and in front end it shows price 1284 (price without tax but after 10% discount)




you realy thing this is ok? i dont think so. it is absolutely confusing, disturbing, and messy.



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Hi haluzman,


To make things clearer, perhaps we could add text next to or under the field "Final Retail Price" (in Back Office >> Catalog >> product page) that warns the user that taxes are deactivated?


For example:





Final retail price: 1529 SK

Attention! All shop taxes have been deactivated. The price displayed in the Front Office will be 1427 (not including discounts).


Would that clear things up for you?

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no, i think this is not the solution. solution of this problem, i my opinion, is like this:


1. variant

- after deactivating taxes, do not show the tax availability in product page (in admin) and automaticaly recalculate all prices as they are without tax


2. variant

- everywhere show the sme price, for example RETAIL PRICE, that means the same price in product page, products in this category, and also in front end.


and the main problem is that, in admin, i dont see the REAL RETAIL PRICE, that is shown in front end. i want to see REAL PRICE shown in front end in the "products in this category", without to go in the details of each product. right now there is shown "Pre-tax retail price" which is absolutely wrong.

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OK, we'll do both:


We'll add an extra line similar to what I proposed in my previous post, AND in the Back Office >> Catalog >> Products in this category, the price shown in the Price column will be the same final price (including all discounts, etc.) that is displayed on the product's Front Office page.


Look for this change in the next release,  ;)

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