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Problem with Cart

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Hey, i'm using the regular blockcart and i can't seem to update the language, from 'cart' i need to rename it into my own language for obvious purposes. Problem is: i updated the translations in the back-end and everything worked fine except this word, CART. It's pretty annoying and i'm thinking about modifying the .tpl or another file that may change directly this word. Can you please help me?

Appreciate it,

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It should be in the middle of the Tools > Translations > Module translations > prestashop - blockcart section. If adding text in the "Cart" field there doesn't work, then I guess you will have to manually edit modules/blockcart/blockcart.tpl.

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Nope, i translated it from the blockcart section in translations and after i checked it, it showed that the field modified, but in the Front end, it remained the same. Also, i modified in that tpl file, the 'cart' word to 'cos' (in my language), but still it doesn't make the update on the website..any other ideas why this is not working?

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Well, i had a big problem with my hosting service, when i tried to translate something, anything, the page went blank and the 'fixed it', or so they say..but i spent already a few hours working on this website and the easiest way to deal with the problems that keep on coming, i guess, is moving it to another hosting provider. Thanks for the help and answers, have a nice day :)

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