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How do I add the terms of conditions checkbox one page before the shipping page.

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Hi Guys,

I have been busy with the following problem for quite some time now, and would really appreciate your help:

For my shop, I skip the shipping page of the checkout process.
However, I would like that my customers still agree with the terms& conditions, meaning that I would like to add this checkbox the page before the shipping part.

Is there anyone who knows how to do this?

Thanks a lot!

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you have to move some things from order-carrier.tpl to order-address.tpl

the jscript

type="text/javascript" src="{$content_dir}js/conditions.js"

then you have to change the form action in order-address.tpl and move the smarty code from order-carrier.tpl to order-address.tpl

hope it helps

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Hi Huetty,

Thanks for your quick response.

Would you be able to elaborate a bit more on the above?
I have included the JS file, which looks OK. But the part I don't get done is

then you have to change the form action in order-address.tpl and move the smarty code from order-carrier.tpl to order-address.tpl.

I appreciate your help. An example of the code would be great.
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you have to tell the form that he has to execute the jscript before sending the data...

so you have to copy the tag

onsubmit="return acceptCGV('{l ...

in the form action tag

then you have to copy the

{if $conditions}


both from order-carrier.tpl to the order-address.tpl

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Hi Huetty,

I have been busy with trying the above, but I can't get it done.

My order-address.tpl looks like this:

   var baseDir = '{$base_dir_ssl}';
   var addresses = new Array();
   {foreach from=$addresses key=k item=address}
       addresses[{$address.id_address|intval}] = new Array('{$address.company|addslashes}', '{$address.firstname|addslashes}', '{$address.lastname|addslashes}', '{$address.address1|addslashes}', '{$address.address2|addslashes}', '{$address.postcode|addslashes}', '{$address.city|addslashes}', '{$address.country|addslashes}', '{$address.state|default:''|addslashes}');

{capture name=path}{l s='Addresses'}{/capture}
{include file=$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl}

{l s='Addresses'}

{assign var='current_step' value='address'}
{include file=$tpl_dir./order-steps.tpl}
{include file=$tpl_dir./errors.tpl}
{include file=$tpl_dir./thickbox.tpl}

<form action="{$base_dir_ssl}order.php" method="post"<h3 class="condition_title">{l s='Terms of service'}

       <input type="checkbox" name="cgv" id="cgv" value="1" {if $checkedTOS}checked="checked"{/if} />
{l s='I agree with the terms of service and I adhere to them unconditionally.'} {l s='(read)'}



What do I do wrong?

Thanks for your help!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Try make changes in your code like this:

<input type="checkbox" name="cgv" id="cgv" value="1" {if isset($smarty.post.cgv) AND $smarty.post.cgv == 1 } checked="checked"{/if} />

and in the order.php

function processAddress()
   global $cart, $smarty;
   $errors = array();

   if (!isset($_POST['id_address_delivery']) OR !Address::isCountryActiveById(intval($_POST['id_address_delivery'])))
       $errors[] = 'this address is not in a valid area';
//add line something like this
   elseif (!Tools::isSubmit('cgv'))
       $errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not agree with the terms of service.');

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