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[SOLVED] How can i insert a picture within the text on a page

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Just upload it via your control panel or using an FTP client. I presume you are using some kind of hosting account so check with your host how is it possible to upload files. Most commonly you will be able to do so using an FTP client such as FileZilla. Upload the desired files under a specific directory under your account and then submit links to them from the prestashop insert image functionality.

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I have no idea how things work at hostgator. I believe you should look for something called "FileManager" or similar.

You should have a directory referred to as web-root. For example "public_html" or "httpdocs" - this is the directory directly accessible via your domain name. Create a sub-directory for it. For example "stats_images". Again using the "FileManager" functionality you should be able to upload the desired images under this directory.

The URL to the images would be for example:


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hi there, yea uploading one by one doesnt bother me as there aren't too many so thats fine.
ive clicked tools, import and then uploaded the picture but how do i know what the url is for me to enter within the text?
Or where does it upload the pictures to to view this?

Many thanks for all your help

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PrestaShop v1.4 has the option to browse for and upload images using AJAX. Until it is released, you have to manually upload your images to a directory on your server (for example, upload/img) using FTP, then enter the image URL as /upload/img/image.jpg (or /shop/upload/img/image.jpg for example if you have your site in a separate directory).

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thanks for the reply rocky.

heres what i tried and it didnt work.

Went on to FTP being Filezila and then went
and in there created a file called images,

Uploaded a file called 018.JPG

And then went to the text, clicked the tree and typed in.


picture didnt show up, just showed a little icon but not the picture.

Help please?


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