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Problem in registation

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i install this shop in my site but i have some problems :
1- when the viewer wants to register in my shop it take an error in select country , the combobox that related to the countryies there is not and instead of it there is only textbox !!!
if u register in this shop you can see the problem
see this page : http://prestashop.gigfa.com

2-How do users can order without register ? i want the user can order there goods without any registration , is it possible ?

i so sorry if my english was so bad so sorry :red:
please help me
tnx a lot .

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1. I have checked the store. I am afraid I could not very well understand the exact error as it is not in English but generally it should give you at least a hint what is wrong. As I can see this is a new installation so if the error message is somewhat not definite you might want to reinstall the store and start again carefully checking if any steps in the modifications you made are causing the problem.

2. There is such module posted in the Indonesian forum - http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/18808/pengembangan_dan_modul/guest_check_out__beli_tanpa_registrasi

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at first tnx for your reply .
in registeration every thing is ok but in choose Country and city fileds there is a problem i think it's made when this store translate in persian language , while registration you can choose your city and its field has combobox but for country the filed is textbox and you can not choose your country !!!!
som word in persian that you can understand better

words :
1- city in farsi is : شهر
2-country in farsi is : کشور
3 the error is : " برای این استان باید یک شهر انتخاب کنید " that means you should choose a city for these country but i chosed the counry !!!!

questions :
1- in city or country fields we should type/choose the code of our country and our city or the name of it ??
2- i red that topic that u said but it was not in english and i cnat understand so much and it seem that it's not safe and complate and has bugs , yes ??

tnx for ur answer

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