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How to get product id in backOffice products editing page

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  On 4/7/2018 at 10:22 AM, NemoPS said:

If you mean Tools::getValue, yes, it is, same way: Tools::getValue('id_product')


I tried using this in the backOffice but it gives me 0.

and if I remove the cast to int I get boolean false like here:


What I want is the product id in BackOffice on the products editing page of the product that is being edited.

Edited by beginner1 (see edit history)
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  On 4/8/2018 at 3:28 PM, xpindia said:

Bring the mouse over the product image n u will see the product id in the status bar down in the progress bar....



This the URL I get when I go to editing the controller. I don't see any product id but here 5 is the product id. The problem is how can I get that in using code in some variable? Everything else works like Tools::getValue('controller') gives the controller name i.e. AdminProducts, only it is not giving the product id.

Edited by beginner1 (see edit history)
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  On 4/9/2018 at 2:11 AM, NemoPS said:

You should have specified you were using 1.7.

print out ($_GET) and see where it is, I forgot the variable name


Hi NemoPS I did specify in the tags that I am using prestashop 1.7. I did var_dump on $_GET and all I got was the information about the controller token and controllerUri but didn't get anything about product id.

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  • 8 months later...

use $params to get product ID. see below example

public function hookDisplayAdminProductsExtra($params)
        $product = new Product((int)$params['id_product']);
        $hook = new ProductsPackDisplayAdminProductsExtra();
        return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/admin/image.tpl');

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Thank you for the answer Daresh.

I'm honestly a little confused why it is "as difficult" to get the id_product value when it is in the URL.
Had to implement some customization on the product edit page and I hadn't been able to simply get the product id, until your answer.

Edited by Estian
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  • 2 years later...


If a thread encounters multiple different requests, it needs to ask for additional information.
You want an example of how to get the product id from a hook displayAdminProductsExtra for Prestashop 8.x ?


public function hookDisplayAdminProductsExtra($params)
    $idProduct = (int)$params['id_product'];    
    $product = new Product($idProduct);


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  On 7/5/2023 at 4:51 AM, ps8moduly.cz said:


If a thread encounters multiple different requests, it needs to ask for additional information.
You want an example of how to get the product id from a hook displayAdminProductsExtra for Prestashop 8.x ?


public function hookDisplayAdminProductsExtra($params)
    $idProduct = (int)$params['id_product'];    
    $product = new Product($idProduct);



Ups - I forgot to put $params in function :

public function hookDisplayAdminProductsCombinationBottom($params)

Thanks for a tip I got it know.
However now I am looking how to get the product combination ID that is currently beeing edited.


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Do you happen to know is Presta holding the admin BO folder name in some variable?
Can not find it and I am trying to redirect to product edit page with product id after doing some stuff on product combination page by module.


I have something like:


but not sure is this the best way

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You can also add which Tab should be displayed, depending on the condition if the product has a combination.
For example:

$openTab = 1; // Tab Basic settings

$product = new Product((int)$product_ID);

if ($product->hasAttributes() > 0) {
    // yes, combinations exists Tab Combinations
    $openTab = 3; 

$pController  = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminProducts', true, ['id_product' => $product_ID]);
$pController .= '#tab-step'.$openTab;



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Great answer - thank you very much. There is so much I do know yet.

Is it possible that when using in in module front controller there is different way to access to context?

$pController = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminProducts', true, ['id_product' => $product_ID]);

returns empty. I tried also:

$symfonyUrl = $link->getAdminLink('AdminProducts', true, array('route' => 'admin_product_catalog'));


$link = $this->context->link; $url = $link->getAdminLink('AdminProducts', true, array( 
'route' => 'admin_product_catalog',
'id' => $product_ID,

I am missing something...

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include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '../../../mymodule.php');

class myModuleDefaultModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
    public function __construct()

        $this->context = Context::getContext();

    public function initContent()

 			$product_ID = $_POST['product_ID'];
            $ID_product_attribute = $_POST['ID_product_attribute'];
/* action */

/* when job done then redirect */

            $openTab = 3;

          // $pController  = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminProducts', true, ['id_product' => $product_ID]);
          // $pController .= '#tab-step'.$openTab;

			$link = $this->context->link;
            $url = $link->getAdminLink('AdminProducts', true, array(
                'route' => 'admin_product_catalog'

            $url.= '#tab-step'.$openTab;
     /* i have tried also:
$url =  $link->getAdminLink('AdminOrders', true, [], ['orderId' => 44, 'vieworder' => 1]);

		/*that works */
          //  Tools::redirect('index.php');



Sure :) here is myModule front controller. Actions are fine - I have problem with getAdminLink() - probably some stupid mistake.

Edited by Butch0071 (see edit history)
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OK - my code is waiting for aproval to be posted. In mean time I see that my problem is to use


in controller file of my module - do I need to include something to able to use it?

Code for getting link is OK and when use it in my Hook it gives back the link.


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thanks - ok so how to get it done?

I need redirect after handling POST request - that is being done in controller. Redirect itself works - but must think of how to redirect to product edition page and tab 3.
This redirect uses $vars that were $_POSTed

$product_id and $combination_id

to controller

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class myModuleDefaultModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController

it is controller - frontController in mymodule/controllers/front/default.php

it handles POST request from Back Office where my tpl with form is hooked. (product page edition )

my form action (in .tpl)  is:

<form action="{Context::getContext()->link->getModuleLink('mymodule', 'default')}" method="post">

I need to redirect to product edit page on tab-step3 after submitting the form on product edition page.

$openTab = 3; 
$pController = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminProducts', true, ['id_product' => $product_ID]); 
$pController .= '#tab-step'.$openTab;

I can use in my controller (default.php): tools::redirect and give url like "index.php" - and it works fine but I am trying to construct the url link with getAdminLink - and can not do that..

I am missing something..

Hope that everything is quite clear.

Edited by Butch0071 (see edit history)
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1. FrontController = can be seen from the position of the customer, eshop
2. AdminController = is only the eshop administration

so FrontController is not intended for administration and AdminController is not intended for eshop.

You keep putting jackfruit and pears in one package and expecting it to turn out peaches.




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Thank you - OK.

So the form (tpl) that I want to be seen on edit product page in BO - needs to be placed in




in  my form I got a link to action controller - that is:

<form action="{Context::getContext()->link->getModuleLink('mymodule', 'default')}" method="post">

so is it wrong? Should it link to controller file in



I read: https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/8/modules/creation/module-file-structure/

It says:



The controllers folder contains the legacy-style Controller files.

Depending on where the controller belongs to, it is located in a different subfolder:

/controllers/admin: module’s back office controllers.

/controllers/front: module’s front office controllers.



I thought that module admin controller is for module configuration page, and front for module actions

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