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How to import attributes?


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Hi Dears
I many searched, but not found any solution...
How can I import features for products from CSV?
Each of my products have 3 features.
I have tried creating 3 new columns, named as Feature: Year, another column named Feature: Size, another named Feature: Medium
when i try to point them all to Feature (Name:Value:Position:Customized) it gives the following error:
"Two columns cannot have the same type of values"
So now I am thinking that they are not meant to have 1 column for each feature.
How is this done then?
each product will have the following?
Feature (Name:Value:Position:Customized)
(Year:Value:0:1986)(Size:Value:1:21" x 43")(Medium:Oil on Canvas:3:Customized)


NB: Year and Size have Customized values and Medium had Predefined Value
Please Help me!
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There is a template in PS 1.6. It didn't work properly for me.


You might play with it, import/export and export import with few items only.

Just be careful when importing as you can easily (VERY EASILY) duplicate your content.


I'm still working on my stock and was suggested to use"storemanager"

Oh my... No wonder there is 30 day trial. Doubled my Category, there is a biiiig learning curve. Very big one.


I would do few tests in and out be before the full upload.

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Still playing with the Import/Export.


But i can tell you that it works (in a way*). But the template must be saved as UTF-8 then modified to your needs.

Good start is to read this http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/CSV+Import+Parameters then you have to experiment with the template or you can make one your own.


* in a way = sometimes i didn't have some fields updated, still working on it, as it can be my fault.


Why would you downgrade because of import?

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Ok Darius,
I had a play with these imports. I think its working this way or at least for me.
Feature Fields Import:
Name - Name of the feature. eg. Length, Thick, Small, Old ect
Value -  This is a set value, not customizable - depends on the feature eg, 10, A, XX, XL ect
Position - position in the list of features eg. 1, 2, 3,  20 ect - Hower, this didnt work for me, yet.
Customized - value for this is 0 or 1
There are two ways, depends on your needs;

Option 1. 

  • Your heading in first line is:
    Feature (Name:Value:Position:Customized)

  • The 2nd line is with the string:

We "told" prestashop, to import - Feature, with a name Length of 10 on position 2 and not customized.

You must have that in that order !!




Option 2.

  • Your heading in first line is:
    Feature (Name:Value:Position:Customized)

  • The 2nd line is with the string:

We "told" prestashop, to import - Feature, with a name Length of 10 on position 2 and customized.

So, what happened here?

Nothing much, only that this feature is PER specific product.

Option 3. (What? yes...)
Just found out this, when you do;

It updates the product with features from existing values;

And guess what?
Option 4.

I dont care about position anymore (at least for now)

With the above, we just updated and added to the list, the following;


When I do all my imports, they are based on Reference No (and [iD], but I ignore that in import).
Then, I select YES on "Use product reference as key" - because I want to use my ref no as reference to a product. - Leave in NO if you importing new products.
and YES "Force all ID numbers" - Leave in NO if you importing new products.
And last thing, all csv files MUST be UTF-8.
Hop this helps.... to some one.
Edited by Branoo (see edit history)
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  • 5 months later...

if it help some one, this way works for me


i have the same problem;

to solve it, i have added the field "Name"; and it's work



this is an example


[iD];Reference #;Name #;Feature(Name: Value: Position:Customized)
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  • 2 years later...
  On 9/4/2014 at 1:13 PM, Branoo said:

Ok Darius,
I had a play with these imports. I think its working this way or at least for me.
Feature Fields Import:
Name - Name of the feature. eg. Length, Thick, Small, Old ect
Value -  This is a set value, not customizable - depends on the feature eg, 10, A, XX, XL ect
Position - position in the list of features eg. 1, 2, 3,  20 ect - Hower, this didnt work for me, yet.
Customized - value for this is 0 or 1
There are two ways, depends on your needs;

Option 1. 

  • Your heading in first line is:
    Feature (Name:Value:Position:Customized)

  • The 2nd line is with the string:

We "told" prestashop, to import - Feature, with a name Length of 10 on position 2 and not customized.

You must have that in that order !!




Option 2.

  • Your heading in first line is:
    Feature (Name:Value:Position:Customized)

  • The 2nd line is with the string:

We "told" prestashop, to import - Feature, with a name Length of 10 on position 2 and customized.

So, what happened here?

Nothing much, only that this feature is PER specific product.

Option 3. (What? yes...)
Just found out this, when you do;

It updates the product with features from existing values;

And guess what?
Option 4.

I dont care about position anymore (at least for now)

With the above, we just updated and added to the list, the following;


When I do all my imports, they are based on Reference No (and [iD], but I ignore that in import).
Then, I select YES on "Use product reference as key" - because I want to use my ref no as reference to a product. - Leave in NO if you importing new products.
and YES "Force all ID numbers" - Leave in NO if you importing new products.
And last thing, all csv files MUST be UTF-8.
Hop this helps.... to some one.


Can you please help me with the attached product CSV file. The product features takes me to error page I have done lot of research but no solution

products_import _b.csv

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  • 2 weeks later...


Good afternoon.

Help with importing functions.

In the column Feature (Name: Value: Position)

if I enter 1 function in the format

Style: Casual: 2

import is successful.


For example, I have a format with several characteristics 

Style: Casual: 2, Style: Business: 3

I have 16 product characteristics.

If in a column I introduce several characteristics through , import does not pass.

The only option that I found is to make 16 import files with different characteristics. But this is a very long way. How in one file to bring all 16 characteristics and import one file?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Prestashop allows to import Excel file with products.

How to specify attributes in this Excel file correct import? I have created some products attributes in Presta. It has own unique id.

Thank you!

I made mistake, instead attributes I meant characteristics

Edited by Oleg (see edit history)
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@Oleg - You can import multiple languages, as long as you do it one at a time. Select on import the language of your file: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/CSV+Import+Parameters

More comfort you will have by importing with Presta Store Manager (free use for 30 days). There you don't need to split eac language into one file. The module you will find on your back-office on module list, or at addons site.

Tutorial: https://www.prestashopmanager.com/useful-articles/how-to/how-to-import-multi-lingual-product-details-to-prestashop/


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Can you help me, I filled Excel file like this:

Where: Мощность is Power

6000 BTU is value

1 is position

0 - customize


When I try import this it return me error:

Two columns can not have the same type.

What I do wrong?



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