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How to edit the HTML output to the home page? Looking to display blog feeds on the home page for...


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I was wondering how one can update the home page with dynamic/html-php code that loops information to the home page? My application is::

Have my wordpress feeds display as I write new post to my blog. This would be great for SEO, however, I am having some trouble in trying to find or locate an option in the back-office that would enable me add code via html/php format.
I looked at some modules online that had tremendous potential for news, press releases, or feeds, but the module was for a side bar. This is no good, I need content that updates on the home page. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Ahhh never mind I officially solved my own problem....once again, someone out there has already thought of this and wrote a module for it. Although I have found many different news modules, they have a plugin for Word Press..... it is called.... "Module Wordpress recent posts"


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