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[Solved] Countries and Zones

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I have noticed that if you make any changes to the countries (changing Zones for instance) that it creates a new record in the ps_country/ps_country_lang tables and marks the old one as deleted. I understand that is so that the addresses already used still have info.. but I was wondering if it wouldn't be possible to have a utility to update retrospectively the tables that point to the country (ps_address etc), or if that functionality couldn't be built into the country/zone edit facility? I would really like to clean up my country table, and I might be forced to write something in SQL to do so..

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Hi BoonDock!

That issue has already been solved in the 1.1 versions ;-P

PS : next time think about telling us which PrestaShop you're using please

Thanks for the response and sorry about the version thing. I got used to there being only the one version..
All the best
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